I have...

ToD, cards, card sets

I have a ToD and dozens of cards. Throw your bundle lists at me, and I'm especially interested in Avadon 2, 1953 NATO vs WP and Storm over the Pacific.

9 years ago*

I have Storm Over the Pacific and Avadon 2. I can trade both for a ToD.
My list: http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/Fyu8d/h-trucks-trailers-viking-ufo-talisman-lemonade-100-w-bundled-gamescardstf2-keys

9 years ago

Sounds good. It'll be tradeable on Sunday, 4:45 GMT so if you still have them then we can trade.

9 years ago

Added you.

9 years ago

I have every humble indie rebundle 8 game except for dear esther if you are interested, and orion prelude

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.