(1)He added me saying want to buy my Sleeping Dogs for Paypal

(2)He say don't want to go first

(3)I sent my AMD Sleeping Dogs key (Taken directly from AMD mail)

(4)Until a few minutes, he say "it's duplicated key"

(5)I look for him on steamrep, and he have 2 knowed scammers friends

(6)Before advice him i'll go to report him, he deleted the "Knowed Scammer friends"

Conclusion: He waste this few minutes to pass the key to a friend to activate it, and said me wich is a duplicated key TO DON'T PAY for it (Or maybe resell-it to other user, i don't know)

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1 decade ago*


1 decade ago

You can't prove that the key did work before :S So i guess you can't really do anything.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.