Selling Keys for 1.80$ Each


  • No rep, no trade
  • Your rep thread must at least have some rep comments in it, and must be at least a month old
  • You must always go first unless you have significantly more rep than me
  • Profile rep does not count
  • I reserve the right to refuse to trade with you at any given time for any reason
  • Prices are firm, even if you buy in bulk
  • Fees are on you if any
  • You must send the money as a gift and put a note saying, "I, (paypal real name [steam id]), am purchasing virtual items and will not charge back at anytime for any reason.)

Rep threads I considered Valid, Sourceop, TF2-traders and Dota 2 traders.

Here's my rep thread's

Dota 2 Traders Rep Thread:

TF2-Trader Rep Thread:

Source OP Rep Thread:

9 years ago*

Hi i would like to buy 7 tf2 keys

9 years ago


9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.