I have...

Sekiro US ONLY

I want...

45 Steam Digital Gift Card

A friend of mine got me Sekiro for my birthday as a humblebundle gift, but apparently it's region locked to the US.

In exchange, I want 45 USD as a Digital Gift Card. It will change that amount to my region's currency.

I am NOT interested in anything else.

I will NOT go first. After receiving the money, I will give you the [US ONLY!] code.

5 years ago*

I could only do this if you go first because of negative review. I can do steam wallet.

5 years ago

If you click on said review, you'll see that it's from a guy who scammed a lot of people with exploited Gears of War 4 codes and then went and gave a negative review on everyone who tried to get their money back.

I understand that it can be a little off-putting to see a negative review, but that one was from a terrible trader who wronged some people.

Feel free to check out my Steam Profile and you'll see that I have traded with a lot of people outside of this website.

5 years ago

Would need you to go first I have higher rep and most of your rep is not recent. I can do 1 25$ gift cardand 2 10$ gift cards if that works for you. If not thats fine. I wish you the best trading

5 years ago


This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago.