Have: Bioshock Infinite Preorder WW (Includes X-COM Enemy Uknown, Bioshock 1 and 7 TF2 items) Want: 37 TF2 Keys

1 decade ago*

How much money would 37 tf2 keys cost? And would you trade it for a steam game that I could get you?

1 decade ago

depending on who you trade with anything between $45US > $60US, it will most likely be closer to the 45-50 mark though as most people sell keys at $1.3>$1.35 each. Sadly there are no games currently on steam that I am currently interested in as I have hundreds of games myself at the moment :(

1 decade ago

Would you be interested in paypal cash for that 45-50$ range rather than keys?

1 decade ago

thanks for the trade mate :)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.