Register, vote and choose your game.
The key arrieve to your mail in like 24 hours.

I see some people are selling this lol, so maybe it helps to get you one of this free :D

be honest... don't sell this please, you look very bad selling free stuff :P

1 decade ago*

It seems there was a problem.

Can you please try to register your details again, as we encountered a glitch in the matrix.

This is all i get :( ... i know it from Day 1 ! first the Voting Site Keep giving Error and now i finish Voting ! the choosing Game keep give error :|

1 decade ago

use the same email address u used in green man gaming to submit the vote in CVG or vice versa, i had that issue,

but once i found that i logged in to CVG and then clicked on the email i got , it said ok, here is the link to your free game, and i clicked on it and it took me to the green man gaming site where i entered my greenman gaming credentials and it sent me amail with the game code, instead of the stupid message i got earlier saying i did not vote(trust me i know it was frustrating)

1 decade ago

just wait some hours mates, the message its like a bug, wait some hours or maybe a day, then click the message again on your mail, and you must get another mail with the key, regards :D

1 decade ago

You need to give it 24hours processing time before you can get the game. It is stated on the page if you look carefully, try it again tomorrow, it would probably be solved.

1 decade ago

I hate people who trade free games on steamtrades...

1 decade ago

people can trade free games only when there is ignorance on the part of the buyer.. so bump this and spread the word..

save innocent noobs...

or maybe we can just let them learn their lesson ..

1 decade ago

But when finish (i think finish now) this games cost 2 tf2keys easy.

1 decade ago

Things free are free, if someone offer 1 card for one your are lucky... otherwise you look like bad offering more than free stuff, cmon dudes dont sell this, for the fault of this weird people im not saying you are, who sell free stuff we dont have more free games in this pages because if you are the dev. or the admin of greenmangaming and you watch that, what do you think they say about this. :I... anyways when this ends obviously keys buyed from another pages and gifts of this games will stay as his average price but this keys are a nice gift, dont do that dudes... this guys who sell free stuff and scam people for very stupid prices they will never learn, really and most of them are little kids without nothing to do, fix me if im wrong, and not only here, in real life they are like that :P, at least we have a knowledge named honesty, so let's avoid that attitude. :)

In resume: the most legit trade all can see its Mafia 2 for Civ 5 or Civ 5 for Mafia... no more O.o

1 decade ago

Agree with u in all ;)

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

To Greenmangaming :D

1 decade ago

Free bump

1 decade ago

Bump again!

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

i sell my civ 5... XDDDDDD its bump and traders of mafia 2 and civ 5 burn all!! XD

1 decade ago

anyone got a spare CIV5? I've been trying for 3 days and still cant get it to work?!?!?!

1 decade ago

I have mafia 2 key if someone can trade for a civ 5 key

1 decade ago

free bump .
deleted all of my free game selling thread !

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

I think finish, no more free keys :\

1 decade ago

I think they are overloaded mate, still so much people to send keys, imagine that :o

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.