I occasionally shop on a Russian store that is very fun to use as one of the things that can be bought is a Random Game Gamble. This is roughly worth a key and after buying it, you can win any game on the steam store. I have bought quite a lot of them, earning way more than what I payed, winning games ranging from Dead Space, to Europa Universalis and others. It is a fun way to get new games at a discounted price. If interested add me and message me saying that you want one. I'll buy one (proof of purchase can be provided) and give you the key for it as we trade. I can tell you what the game is or it can be a surprise!

1 decade ago*

do you have fallout 3 goty?

1 decade ago

No that is what I'm saying, your chances are totally random, you buy it and it spits out a game. You could win something as good as call of duty or something like super hexagon. Regardless of how good the game is though, it only costs one key.

1 decade ago

call of duty mw3?

1 decade ago

No that is what I'm saying, your chances are totally random, you buy it and it spits out a game. You could win something as good as call of duty or something like super hexagon. Regardless of how good the game is though, it only costs one key.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.