I'm interested in:


Clive Barker's Jericho™

Overlord™ Raising Hell

Overlord II

Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising

Operation Flashpoint Red River

1 decade ago*

how many cards are you offering for the whole bundle? I could probably grab it if your offer is enticing enough

1 decade ago

Im also interested D: Anything here that could interest you? D:

1 decade ago

only thing on your list I'd be interested in was Garry's Incident (and not really too much because it has bad reviews), you give me that and toss me like 15 cards and I could grab it for ya, but you'd have to wait till tomorrow sometime.

1 decade ago

Tomorrow? Very well, then i will wait D: I will add you to keep in touch D:

1 decade ago

Gun Monkeys + Some backgrounds/emoticons + 8 cards, can also give 6$ steam wallet at Christmas if you wait

1 decade ago

I'm going to have to turn that offer down, I'm not really interested in Gun Monkey's, and 8 cards, If you want to drastically up that card count to something along the lines of 70 cards

Unless you have some other keys or games to offer, other wise I'll take it 10 c per card 70 cards = less than 7. Which would cover the cost of the bundle and give me a slight bit extra for the effort. Also that isn't taking into account any of the under 10 cent cards like Terreria, Brutal legend or CS go that you'd be including in the deal.

If you have any other games or more cards to bring forth to the table I'm all ears. Unless the bundle price takes a total nose dive in price once the BTA price gets unlocked.

1 decade ago

If you save a bundle for me until Christmas I can give you the 6$ at Christmas

1 decade ago

You are probably better off wating for a happyt hour, people will probablt sell them cheaper after that.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.