I have...
I want...

other game

1 decade ago*

yes , Im interested in Weapons Genius, add me for trade (sorry for the time..)

6 months ago

yes I want Primal Carnage add me for trade
(sorry for the delay)

6 months ago*

Hey bro it is actually stuck in an offer
Can you choose something else
btw Silent Assassin is only 1$ atm while Primal Carnage is around 3$

Also don't worry for delays
Everyone has a IRL life :D

btw on your other thread
You should add the games you have for trade on your "I HAVE" Section using the edit feature so that people can search for the games

6 months ago*

Ok,so I need to think on other.. give me some time please thanks

6 months ago

im interested in Beat hazard , add me for trade

6 months ago

Closed 3 months ago.