Mafia 2 and Civ 5 are keys, the Humble Bundle is a redeemed gift link with unclaimed steam keys (of course).

The Humble DeepSilver Bundle is NOT BTA and contains the following games:
Risen 2, Sacred 2 Gold, Saints Row 2, Saints Row 3 (Key #1) and
Metro 2033, Risen 1, Sacred Citadel (Key #2)

I am looking for Borderlands 1 GOTY and Borderlands 2 GOTY.

9 years ago*

I know a way how to get BL1 for free.. but i'm not sure if it's GOTY.

9 years ago

I am not interested in exploits and i would need the DLCs

9 years ago

it's cool

9 years ago

Added you to discuss Humble DeepSilver Bundle

9 years ago

How many keys for Deep Silver? 1?

9 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.