There was a pricing glitch in Steam today and LA Noire The Complete Edition was available at $2.49. Please be careful when trading for LA Noire The Complete Edition. A lot of people may feel they are trading a game far above the value than what the other party purchased and may feel cheated.

Please note there are two version of LA Noire, one is the Complete Edition and the other is the non-DLC version.

1 decade ago*

Could there be any repercusions for trading for one of these $2,49 copies?

1 decade ago

It seems like there would be a lot of trouble if they did refunds because of all of the trading and selling going on.

1 decade ago

Thanks for the warning. I planned to buy LA Noire from someone who offers it for 5$, but I think I won't do it now.

1 decade ago

You think they'd take the games back? It's not like those people robbed them or something, they're the ones who priced it.

1 decade ago

yeah, I don't think they would...

1 decade ago

Yup, looks like they are safe now.

1 decade ago

I see some different gifts in the inventories regarding L.A. Noire Complete. One says L.A. Noire Complete Edition in the title and one reads only "L.A. Noire" in the title, but has "Complete Edition" in the description. Are these both the Complete Edition?

1 decade ago

I believe that they are the same...just different regions that they were bought in probably?

1 decade ago

The version that says LA Noire in the title with complete in the description becomes complete edition once unpacked to the library.

1 decade ago

The glitch is fixed now everywhere.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

too late muhaaha

1 decade ago

Whoa... less than 1 day since the glitch has been fixed and the prices have been going through the roof! Noticed some threads with people offering things like Payday+CoD4 for it...

1 decade ago

2.5$ ?!WHERE

1 decade ago

Same thing happened with Terraria and Test Drive Unlimited 2. Both are still in my library :)

1 decade ago

Damn... wish there was an announcement in Steamgifts too :( I just gave away my Divinity II DKS for L.A. Noire complete yesterday... the guy had two of them and said the game was horrbile and he bought for friends but they didn't want... :/ Can't believe I fell for that. I have to stop trusting people on steam, Goddamit!

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.