I have...

$26 in Paypal
25 copies of bunny hop league
Room 404
Vernon's Legacy

I want...

Resident Evil 7

Don't bother offering any other games, I only want RE 7

7 years ago

I have a RE7 copy for 20$ on Paypal if you're still looking for it.

7 years ago

he's a scammer don't you his rep

7 years ago

I checked it, but he seems to be sorry for what he did. He spammed a G2A link apparently. I wouldn't have gone first anyway.

7 years ago

oh i thought he was a scammer but it happened to be a spammer sry bro my mistake

7 years ago

No problem, I was very scared about his reputation as well. But as long as he goes first, it should be fine. Thanks for the heads up anyway!

7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.