Title says it all, pretty much. Coupons are good till the 21st, just friend request me if you're interested.

Items should appear here in my inventory: http://steamcommunity.com/id/xorph64/inventory/
If for some reason they don't, I can show you them in the trade menu before you make the paypal transfer.

Or you can just try to win the coupons for free here: http://autumnseal.com/

1 decade ago*

thats rediculous

1 decade ago

What the heck am I supposed to charge, then O_o? This is 50 cents for a coupon that nets you $7.50 off!

1 decade ago

you should give them away. ppl more than welcome to my coupons

1 decade ago

Holy crap you have been using the autumnseal lotto way too much ._.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.