Preferably games that:

Don't occupy over 7GB of space.

Can be run in a mobile HD4000.

Are a good deal.

Thanks! :)

1 decade ago*

All my Dota 2 items (worth about 15 bucks) for KSP(on sale right now)

1 decade ago

No thanks, I don't play Dota 2, and it'd be easier for me to sell the keys. Thanks for offering, however.

1 decade ago

Got a few games here for sale from 3 ref/offers and a few for keys.
If your going for integrated graphics and low space requirements, I would probably stick with indies or games that aren't too new. Games like F.E.A.R. would probably run great on your system, but its like a 14GB game. Most console ports should run fine. Also consider mods based on HL2 as the game should run fantastic on your platform. Stay away from Unreal engine games, might make your PC cry...

1 decade ago

They're mostly for my Surface Pro, my laptop can usually run quite a few games (GT540M, not that bad >.<)…

Since the SSD is very small (128GB), I'm left with having to install small games on it to avoid my storage from depleting pretty fast.

1 decade ago

Wow, NICE!
Didnt know that it was really much of a gaming option, but I guess it can be depending on whats tossed at it.
Ive heard that once windows is installed on those pros, that the storage is ver limited, so I see where you would want to be wise about games...Try some adventure games? Should work great with touch based...

1 decade ago

Something here?

Negotiable prices inside, interested in keys only

1 decade ago

Defcon or Trauma for Rome? Or Gish for Rome + 1 TF2 key?

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.