Hello guys.
I just want to warn you because a guy called "Detruire" wanted to rip me of. He looks very seriously but he isnt. Please dont trust him if he talk to you like this:
18:36 - Detruire: hello slawtix
18:36 - S L A W T i X: Hello
18:36 - Detruire: I would like to trade my Scribblenaut Unlimited for Prince persia warrior and portal2
18:36 - S L A W T i X: Okay
18:37 - Detruire: Scribblenaut is steamkey
18:37 - Detruire: my steamtrade; http://www.steamtrades.com/user/Detruire
18:37 - S L A W T i X: Oh can you give first
18:37 - Detruire: I have 60+ reps, trustable worth
18:37 - Detruire: would you like to go first?
18:38 - S L A W T i X: Hmm i dont know
18:38 - Detruire: Im offering you a good deal, you cannot let it go =)
18:38 - S L A W T i X: http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/HjNyn/scammer-alert-detruire
18:39 - Detruire ist Offline.
His steamtrades profil: http://www.steamtrades.com/user/Detruire

1 decade ago*

lol helps to let us know who is doing it. Names, screens. I just got scammed by a JWacky impersonator.

1 decade ago

I added the text now.

1 decade ago

Thanks bro. :D

1 decade ago

It's impersonator, not Detruire... -_-

Real Detruire: http://steamcommunity.com/id/detruire/
Scammer: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198079983211/

That scammer was already reported for other impersonations and scams, e.g. impersonated jwacky. Seriously, accusing guy with 930 games, 5 years on Steam, who even have warning and links to impersonators in his profile description isn't too smart!
Change thread title, you are accusing innocent user.

Detruire's profile description:

"Be careful, there is at least one person pretending to be me and attempting to scam other traders.

_Please check that the following are true before trading with any account that is using my name and/or avatar:_

My custom profile URL is detruire (no dash, underscore, etc.).
My Steam profile name history will only show Detruire and De.
I joined Steam on the 25th of March, 2007.
_And my profile will NEVER be private._

Known imposters (these are not me... do not trade with them):
- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198079983211
- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198064902018
- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198055156582

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.