I have...
  • Lots of cards

  • Games wasn't free before

    1. Super meat boy
    2. Bioshock Infinite
  • Games given for free previously

    1. Adorables (cards)
    2. Commander - Conquest Of The Americas (no cards)
    3. Cult of the winds (no card)
    4. Deadbreed (cards)
    5. Endorlight (cards)
    6. Hotlead (cards)
    7. Iesabel (no cards)
    8. Journey to the center of the earth (cards)
    9. Kraven Manor (no cards)
    10. Outdrive (cards)
    11. Overcast (cards)
    12. Particula (cards)
    13. Post mortem (no cards)
    14. Space farmers (cards)
    15. Spheroid (no cards)
    16. Unknown batlle (no cards)
    17. WoodleTree adventures (cards)
I want...

Town of salem

yeah I know they were given for free, and I will get blacklisted for it, but somone might want it and would trade his ToS copy for some of those.

Dont hesitate to offer!

8 years ago*

Closed 7 years ago.