I have an Elder Scrolls Anthology Steam key. This single key has the following Elder Scrolls games and DLCs:

Morrowind (with Bloodmoon and Tribunal DLC)

Oblivion (with Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine DLC)

Skyrim (with Hearthfire, Dawnguard, and Dragonborn DLC

Please note that this key will not give you extra copies if you happen to have one or more of these games in your Steam account. For this reason, I chose to not use this key for myself (I own Oblivion and Morrowind already).

I will consider Paypal offers starting at $25, which is the current offer. You must go first (it doesn't matter if you have high rep; I have way too many games in my account to try and risk with a scam).

1 decade ago

Closed 9 years ago.