I have...

Mafia III + dlc
God eater 2
Deus ex humanity divided

I want...

Either 6 cs go keys or 12$paypal

Please write something here before you add me, thanks 😊

6 years ago

I just wonder , what's the point of paying you 12$ for these 3 if you can pay 12$ to Humble ,get these 3 and then more games later on ? :)

6 years ago

Most people that buy highly sought after games (mostly monthly headliners) stockpile a ton of them and resell them later at a higher price when the bundle is already over - have a nice day 😊

And to answer why i don't do it myself - it only pays off in large numbers to resell and i don't want to invest so much time into it 😉

6 years ago*

those people can just buy multiple gifts of the whole bundle directly from humblebundle. from multiple new accounts, using their own referrals, gaining extra humble store credit that way.

6 years ago

To my knowledge humble is very strict with purchases from the same ip/ you can only use the same cc for limited purchases of a monthly - but well if it's that easy spread the word, then i legitemately have no clue why resellers keep purchasing them at those prices and don't do it your way.

6 years ago


This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

Legitemately - a ton, some even at more than the bundle price (ark for example was super sought after/stellaris the first time it was bundled/total war warhammer/january's triple early reveal/the new civ just 2 (!!!) bundles ago sold for 6 keys etc)


6 years ago*

And legitemately: what do you get from arguing with me? And i'm massively confused hearing that from a regular

And don't come at me with the: i'm trying to save some people from getting scammed by you 111!!!
This is steamtrades, everybody here knows about the humble monthly, good god, it's even in my freaking thread title

6 years ago*


This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

Well, then you are a very unpleasant and sad person and i'm happy i don't have to deal with you in real life 😊

6 years ago


This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

Please tell me how i am a shark - like i mentioned it's even in the threads title where you can get the games and i would be legitemately shocked if there is a single person on sg not knowing humble bundle
If i were a shark i would go to the steam forums, not here.

And really dude, do me one favour - go through the offers next time a big early reveal comes out, you will be in for a shock.

6 years ago


This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

I don't see how those statements contradict themselves.
Well then i have no clue, why people keep doing it.

And congrats, you showed me biiiiig time.

6 years ago

Search for mafia, one of the first threads offering a total of 6.5 keys for the early reveals, more than i'm asking for, 1000 rep+ dude/"mysterious" reseller only existing in my "imagination" - tell him about your theories.

Thanks again - you did a great job today of making yourself a massive douchebag.

6 years ago*


This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago*

Oh i wanted to hear your explanation or give you at least a chance to admit you were wrong - so tell me why is he paying more than my "shark" price on his own volition?

6 years ago


This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago


This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

The whole time, calling me a shark and calling me out for "shitty" business practices?

I was asking for 6 keys OR 12$pp, that means im willing to take either, a price that was clearly offered by the market.

Well, takes a lot of heart to admit you are wrong, guess i was expecting too much.
Oh and calling someone "suspicious" with more +rep than both of us combined won't change that
Closing this thread now, it was no pleasure.

6 years ago*

Still not willing to admit you were wrong/thinking of another great reason to insult me except me daring to offer some games under the market price? 😊

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.