Hey i'm trading Sniper Elite: NZA, System Shock 2, Resident evil 4, 2 Worlds. They're all gifts.

For Sniper Elite NZA or System shock 2 i want either the Dead Money dlc for fallout New Vegas or 4 TF2 keys. If you're fast with the trading i'll throw in both games in the deal.

For Resident Evil 4 i want Skyrim Dawnguard or Dead Money + 6 TF2 keys. Add me or talk here!

Dead Money costs 4.99 in Steam store: http://store.steampowered.com/app/72730/

Dawnguard costs 19,99 in Steam store http://store.steampowered.com/app/211720/ or 14,99 in Gamefly http://digital.gamefly.co.uk/#!/download-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim---dawnguard-dlc/5004488?adtrackingid=cmju510

TF2 KEYS: http://store.teamfortress.com/itemdetails/339892

I accept Game keys but in that case unless you got 50+ reps you go first.

1 decade ago*

Edit: Added tf2 keys! :D

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.