As in title

Dota 2: Bounty Hunter

Sanctum 2: Skye, Simo, Explorer, Best Friends

Dota 2: Phantom Lancer, Tidehunter

1:1 trade. Only interested in the cards i listed under wants.

Can also offer Terraria or Dota 2 Treasure keys for cards from the sets listed below:

Bastion - 1

Dota 2 - 1

Summer Sale

Ion Assault - 2

Walking Dead - 2

Saints Row - 4

Terraria - 4

Mcpixel - 6

Killing Floor - 5

Cubemen - 5

Sleeping Dogs - 4

Stellar Impact - 3

The Witcher - 3

Really Big Sky - 3

Skyrim - 4

Organ Trail - 7

Tomb Raider - 3

Alan Wake - 1

Sanctum 2 - 3

Hotline Miami - 3

The max number of cards i will accept from each set is listed beside the game.
(To clarify, this does not mean i will trade a key for 3 cards from the Hotline Miami set, it simply means i will accept no more than that particular number of cards from that one set. So offer me from multiple sets.)

Also happen to have a couple extra Killing Floor Humble Bundle pages left.

These pages are UNCLAIMED, and contain: Killing Floor Complete*, Red Orchestra and Red Orchestra 2

*Does not include Golden Weapons2 or the new Weapon pack, obviously

1 decade ago*

My ORgan Trail Horde for your Organ Trail Surrounded?

1 decade ago

Sorry for late reply was sort of distracted :p

1 decade ago

5 kf cards for terraria?

1 decade ago

Sorry mate, KF cards are only 10 cents apiece in the market right now.
Maybe if you added more cards.. :p

1 decade ago

it's okay, i must have read your post the wrong way, i thought the number of cards next to each game was what you were seeking for the game. have a nice day ^^

1 decade ago

No worries mate, have a nice day and good luck trading

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.