you go first then i will send you nvidia code for the game i'm looking to up my rep so when you recieve yo'r game please give 1 rep steam is toxicsaint2

9 years ago*

Don't trade with this guy, scammed me while trying to conduct this very trade! I went first and after I had given him the stuff he sent me a fake key!

9 years ago

ow msg me when i go to work i'll try to get you a code

9 years ago

I'm not sure I believe you, but I'll give you another chance. I'll be out of town over the weekend, so when I get back on monday I expect to see a message from you on steam.

EDIT: For anyone who wondered how it went, he hasn't responded on my messages since he scammed me. That negative rep aint going nowhere! And no more free bumps for you either..

9 years ago

Don't ever trade with him, he is a scammer.
he scammed me with the same used code that previous victims used (ThrillBird).

he won't admit scamming, and keep playing you that he will give you the code later, next year maybe.

9 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.