I want Dishonored from getloadedgo.com and in turn i can get you whatever you want from steam worth 7.5$

Ryt now Dishonored keys are out but they'll be back in stock, so if everybody is interested add me and drop me a msg.
I will only go first if your steamtrade rep is more then 50.

1 decade ago*

Just to understand. I would put out the money, get the games, then you would give me zero profit for the effort, and you want me to go first even though you have a rep of 6 and I have a rep of 30. Oh yeah, and I get no choice in how you pay me, it must be steam wallet. If my best friend asked me to do this as a favor I would, but he would owe me a favor back. So why would I do this?

Counter offer because this deal is about to run out on Get Games. You go to the Steam Market place or anywhere else, you buy 5 TF2 keys. Once you have them and they can be seen in your inventory I buy Dishonored. You go first then I give you the key. You still get the game for 50% less than the lowest sale price before now, which is $50 off list price. I get something for my time and effort.

1 decade ago

That's what it looks like. I don't know why you wouldn't just but straight from Steam - I don't even know of any payment methods GGG takes that Steam doesn't.

1 decade ago

Oh go to hell, i wasnt begging u and i didnt need all this bullshit in return.
I already got the game from another humble person on steamtrades, so yeah there are good people who do help out others, so go away and try not being like this in another thread.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.