Hello, I have the following games to trade:
paranormalx2 (both desura)
painkiller overdose
indie game: the movie
shank 2
cave story+
titan quest (don't know if DLC is included)
fibrilation (desura)
patrician 3 + rise of a dynasty
dawnstar (not dawnstar one, desura)

I am after any of the 3 MAIN sleeping dogs add-ons (year of the snake, nightmare in north point or zodiac tournament)
I will also accept offers but NO TRADING CARDS please

1 decade ago*

Wanna trade Paranormal for some of these ?? :D
Oil Rush, Crusader Kings complete, Tiny and big: Grandpa's Leftovers, Intrusion 2, Aquanox 2, Chester, Survivor Squad or 8-bit Commando ??

1 decade ago

not really, already got/traded go most of those and the others I am not that interested in, thanks for the offer though.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.