I have:

Garry's Mod

And QWOP, but it's for Android.

What I'm looking for:

STEAM Games, no Desura, no Origin. Preferably from my Wishlist, but I know that's a stretch so I'm also looking for offers.

Wishlist is here: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198071564308/wishlist

1 decade ago*

The Shivah, Syder Arcade, Savant-Ascant, interested in any of those?

1 decade ago

[For documentation purposes] Added on Steam, trading is in progress.

Surgeon Simulator is pending but not yet taken.

EDIT: Surgeon Simulator is still open.

EDIT 2: Surgeon Simulator has been claimed.

1 decade ago

Interstellar Marines? I'd be willing to add my Garry's Mod link to the deal.

EDIT: RRDDD is gone but Garry's Mod is still up for trade.

1 decade ago

F.E.A.R. for GMod?

1 decade ago

Sorry, No thank you.

1 decade ago

Gmod has been traded out, going ahead and closing this topic.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.