You can check my wishlist if you want to see what games I have on there. Please don't add me on steam until we talked on here, or if I added you because your offer seemed good.

I would love: THPS HD, Dead Rising 2, FO3 GOTY, Serious Sam 3, Batman Arkham Asylum, Portal 2
Those are the ones that I'm really wanting right now, for whatever reason.
Obviously I'm not trying to get ALL of that for my 4 games.

here's my wishlist also

Thanks for reading all this, if you did. :)

I just traded Just Cause 2 and Hitman, so now I just have Deux Ex HR and Supreme Commander 2 keys

Deus Ex Human Revolution (standard)
Supreme Commander 2

inventory items
Section 8 Prejudice

1 decade ago*

Sorry I forgot to add something (hope I'm allowed to post in my own thread like this..if not, I apologize)

I've been having a lot of trouble with my internet lately. It just dies for no reason, sometimes for 10 minutes sometimes for a few hours. So if we're talking on here or steam and I randomly disappear...that's why. Please just try to bear with me and be patient.


1 decade ago

I can offer you Section 8: Prejudice with 3 dlc ( Section 8®: Prejudice™, Section 8: Prejudice Blitz Pack, Section 8: Prejudice Overdrive Map Pack, Section 8: Prejudice Frontier Colonies Map Pack) for Deus Ex HR. I think that's good offer because value of my gift is about 22 Euro and Deus Ex cost 12 Euro ;)

1 decade ago

Sure I can do that. Add me on steam. I'll request you right now

1 decade ago

we didn't end up trading, but I traded with someone else and got Section 8 Prejudice without the DLC..

1 decade ago

Cortex Commander for Deus EX HR?

1 decade ago

Is it a key or tradable? If it's a key, no thank you. Appreciate the offer though

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.