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I want...

Warhammer Vermintide KEY NEEDS TO WORK ON US

Hello there!

I need two copies from the Monthly Humble Bundle. PLEASE LET ME KNOW YOUR PRICE. If no, I will reply with a $5USD offer.

My rules are.

1.- Please be patient.
2.- I am not accepting any lvl1 profiles or private profiles.
3.- If you have less rep than me. You go first. No exceptions.
4.- You need to send me the GIFT LINK of the game, not the key.
5.- Please let me know how you want the payment. Be as detailed as you need.
6.- +rep after trade is completed.

DO NOT ADD ME. Post here first, and if we work it out. I will tell you that I will add you. If you add me, I will not accept your request.

7 years ago*

Closed 7 years ago.