I have...

Nuuvem keys-Lego Lord of the Rings, Lego Hobbit,

Humble bundle keys- FTL: Faster than light advanced edition, Dustforce DX, Osmos, Super Hexagon, Zenbound 2, Jack lumber.

I want...


I can only send the keys via email it wont let me gift them on steam.

9 years ago

1 TF keys for both games

a few games of this for lego hobbit, lego lord of the rings?

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon – key Uplay (probably Polish region lock)
Stacking – (probably Polish region lock)
KickBeat Steam Edition
Afterfall Insanity - Extended Edition
Woodle Tree Adventures
Frozen Hearth
Skara - The Blade Remains
Reign: Conflict of Nations
Rush Bros
Chaos Domain
Muffin Knight

or how many cards or $ Paypal?

9 years ago

Did you still want to make a trade?

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.