I have...

Battle.net balance

sending anything from the Activision - Blizzard store

personal use only

Battlenet gift policies:

  • I can only gift to accounts with the same currency (USD)
  • we must be friends 3 for days minimun on battlenet

Here some games from the store Valentine's Day Sale

Game TF2
Modern Warfare III 29
Diablo Collection ( D2 resurrected , D3 Eternal, D4 Standard) 36
Diablo 4 standard 25
Crash Bandicoot 4 12
I want...

ask for an item in the store and I will give you the price in TF2

6 months ago*

added you on battle.net, let me know when you are available

5 months ago


This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

5 months ago

Closed 3 months ago.