In other words I look for TF2 Keys offers now. Please apply and follow few simple rules. If you won't follow them, I call the deal off instantly.

A) Nothing else interest me. No games, other type of keys, refined, etc. Just TF 2 Keys. I may accept small sweeteners in Refined and ToDs if those are neccesary to make deal even.

B) Please have list of thing you want me to purchase ready and be 100% SURE IT'S EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT. I don't want to end up in a situation where I buy random gifts for you and you suddenly change mind. If you aren't 100% certain - please don't apply. I'm ready to give small exchange (1 Refined = 25 eurocents, 5 random Cards = 25 eurocents) if neccesary and your wishlist goes a bit over the 21 euro price.

C) Highest price I accept is 1,5 Euro/2 Dollars per key. But of course if you have better offer, be my guest ;). Also would prefer to find someone who want to use up all my money. I want to get over this in one big deal. By this definition 14 Keys is about right for me (although ironically with USD pricing it's 14 Keys + 1 Tod/4 Refined. Whoever is ready to throw in that small price sweetener in price (or I may give exchange in 4 Refined if you offer 15 Keys) automatically gets the deal out of me. Price on my wallet may increase in time (as I have stuff on Market) so I will update it on regular basis.

D) Type in this thread. Normally I'm fine with random invites, but in this case type here. If you won't follow this rule - I straight up don't bother to reply.

That's all from me. If you happen to have some questions to me or something like this - please type those in this thread. Thank you ;).

9 years ago*

added to discuss

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.