I have...

MGSV: Definitive Experience + Ground Zeroes (available as humble link or Steam key)

I want...


Open to anything, really. It's been a while since I've done a trade on here because my PC went kaput a long while back and I've only really gotten round to getting a new one. Drop a message down below and I'll let you know if I'm interested.

5 years ago

Nothing that interests me, sorry!

5 years ago

I could do Cook, Serve Delicious 2 + Poly Bridge + Dungeon of the Endless?

5 years ago

is it include the METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Definitive Experience DLC ? if yes i can do that
if no i can do Cook, Serve Delicious 2 + Dungeon of the Endless 2:2

5 years ago

It does include the DLC, I'll send you a friend request.

5 years ago

Anything here for it?

5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago.