I was trading with someone who was pretending to be a user here and they immediately went offline without giving me anything. Not sure if this is the proper way to do this but I reported them on Steam and thought everyone should know before they do it again. The user changes the profile name after each successful scam so be careful. Here is the Url - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198085688875/ You see the other names they have gone by if you click the arrow by the current name. The user they were pretending to be is CyberMarco who has 64 positive feedback.

1 decade ago*

Please let me know if there are any other steps I should take. Even if I never see the game again, I would like this person to be brought to justice and banned.

1 decade ago

Steamrep and Steam Support are where you should go. Make sure to give them as much evidence (images etc) as possible.

1 decade ago

Thank you for the information. I reported them to Steam Support with a copy of the chat log and support should see where they claim to be someone else and the name change. Unfortunately I did not get any screenshots as they immediately took me off their friend's list. I will look into Steamrep but I believe they require screenshots which I do not have.

1 decade ago

I thnink if a few guys have a brain to use SteamRep and check befor they trade or check the Steamtrade-Profil link, we would not have so many scammers!

This is not a PERSONAL attack!

1 decade ago

It was honestly a dumb mistake. I am relatively new to trading so I checked to the best of my abilities at the time. Their Steamrep didn't seem bad at the time so perhaps I was the beginning of their rampage. I checked the Steamtrades link but did not look hard enough before it was too late. They use exactly the same name and profile picture as the person they are pretending to be. I am not even mad that I lost the game but more that there are actually people like this in the world.

1 decade ago

he is a noob to this site
we should understand it

1 decade ago

Sorry to hear you got scammed. I try to never deal or trade with people that have their profile on private just to be sure. Best thing you can do is report him to steam and to steamrep. Good luck with future tradings.

1 decade ago

Thank you but I suppose it is a lesson learned. I had a bad feeling about it and should haven't agreed to trade. As long as they eventually get what they deserve and I help prevent other people from getting scammed I am happy.

1 decade ago

wtf he/she used my Name -.-*....Steam ban him

1 decade ago

I agree. I have seen a couple of names from here that they have used so far. I just hope they ban him before it gets worse. They don't seem to be stopping anytime soon. I guess one isn't enough. I am sorry that they used your name in this manner.

1 decade ago

If I had a TF2 key for every scammer alert thread I'd be richer than Mattie!

1 decade ago

Maybe you could open up a grief counseling clinic and charge in treasure keys?

1 decade ago

I see my name being used. I don't put my profile private and I am an excellent trader I don't have to stoop so low as to steal someone's tradable/steam key game. I have't done much trading these days due to my time being at work and overtime.

1 decade ago

They changed their profile name to Miyafuji Yoshika.

1 decade ago

Closed 7 years ago.