Hello all - first, I will explain why I'm here.
I have a youtube channel and love to play indie games, but find it could be very expensive to buy them all individually; hence why I am here - to get bundles at a reasonable price so I can play them on youtube.

I can either pay for them with paypal, direct bank payment, or I could gift a game of equal value on steam. Look at my comments on steam for 100% positive feedback from trades.

I don't need:
E3 Digital Ticket,
Humble Bundle Mojam,
Humble Bundle for Android,
Humble Frozenbyte Bundle,
Humble Indie Bundle 4,
Humble Indie Bundle 7,
Humble Introversion Bundle,
Humble Origin Bundle,
Humble THQ Bundle,
Humble Weekly Sale: Hosted by PewDiePie,
Humble Weekly Sale: Kalypso Media.

But I do need everything else that isn't above. Just simply reply with what bundles you own and what you would like for them. I am aware there are lots of threads for bundles here but I wanted my own one so I get better responses, and it's equal on everyone.

1 decade ago*

Papo & Yo Humble Bundle Gift Link - 1 TF2 key.
Surgeon Simulator Humble Bundle Gift Link - 1 TF2 key.
Blockstorm activation key - 1 TF2 key.

Tip: you can buy TF2 keys at Steam Market.

1 decade ago

Thanks! I didn't know that. I'll have to find them and get a rough price idea.. Interested in two of them above. I'll brb

1 decade ago

Found them. Do you need to wait for the person to trade them or is the trade instant when you buy them? Wouldn't you rather have paypal?

1 decade ago

Added to talk.

1 decade ago

I don't have full bundles, but I do have seperate keys. See if you're interested in anything Here :D

1 decade ago

Heya. The reason for making this thread was to get tons of games for cheap for youtube purposes.. So I'll see what you have and ask for a reasonable price. :D

Tropico Trilogy 3
Damn. I don't really know any of the other games.. If there are any games that you can use a controller on - add them to this list and work out an offer for me? :D

1 decade ago

same as sexyjesus i dont have full bundles but you can check my games ( gifts and keys )

and if you want desura keys i have humble frozen, frozenbyte and introversion

add me if youre interested :)

1 decade ago

Heya. I'm interested in Witcher 2. What offer can you do?

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.