the title is pretty self explanatory, but i would like a chance to justify my offer. yes i understand that this game was given out as a pre-order bonus for defiance (hence were i got mine) but while a few of the offers are still around, they are not nearly as much as when this whole thing began so i would hope that the worth would be much much closer to actual steam price of $49.99, the same price as the amalur collection. but as i realize that this is not enough i offer up the most i have which is the $10.02 in my steam wallet to add whatever you want to my offer that i can afford, be it keys (which right now is roughly 4) or maybe there is a game on sale that you'd like to get. So overall i hope you understand and hopefully i can trade with one of you soon.

1 decade ago*

I will trade kingdoms of amalur for max payne 3

1 decade ago

all i have is rift, sorry... good luck with your trades though.

1 decade ago

$10 Steam Wallet for my RAVAGED?

1 decade ago

ok, first i asked for no offers for the $10 but since lately ive been asking people outside of what they were asking i can understand.
second, Amalur really is all i wanted.
and third im not entirely sure if i know what saying steam wallet really means... i have $10.02 in my steam wallet to offer anyone so that theyll tell me what they want and ill buy it. im not sure if im confusing it with actually offering a steam wallet key.

1 decade ago

Well you can trade Wallet by putting an item up for sale in the steam market, or buying the equivalent amount of TF2 keys. Buy me 3 TF2 Keys, RAVAGED is yours.

1 decade ago

I'm really sorry to say this but I'm not interested in the game. also the game is $9.99 so i would just be losing the ability to let someone accepting my offer to chose something themselves.

1 decade ago

Any interest in Showdown Effect?

1 decade ago

sorry but all of this really is just to get KoA: reckoning- collection. honestly i'm really sorry to say this since i've been getting responses like that all week and i hate to put down someone just trying to get a game they truly want. I hope your successful with your trade elsewhere.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.