In stock: 46


  1. Need to have verified paypal.
  2. Buyer pays the fees and sends the money as friends/family.
  3. Post here before adding me
  4. Include a note saying: Sending X$ for virtual items. I understand that this is a non-refundable transaction and will not charge back. My steam id is (steamid)

I have been on steam for 10 years. I have 56 reps here and over 10 pages of reps on my profile and over 1000 trades done on steam.

My reps and stuff are proof of my legitimacy, However I don't intend to go first, even after reviewing my reps and things you cant find me trustworthy, then you can look for someone else, or if u were wanting to buy many keys, then we could 5-10 keys a time.

And Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.