I have...

Dying Light (Gift)

I want...

35 CS:GO Case keys (No capsule)
35 TF2 Keys
AWP Asiimov FT - CS:GO

Trading Dying Light for 35 CS:GO case keys.

9 years ago

ahah thats joke? price in steam $24.99 USD 1 key cs 2.5$, 35*2.5=87$ Oo

9 years ago

Nope, its actually $59.99 :/

9 years ago

where you see this price Oo

9 years ago

That magical place called the steam website, you're probably russian or something. Because your country is economically shit everything is cheaper there.

9 years ago

what is the price shadow warrior?

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.