Please no offers of bundle games, I already own most of them.

1 decade ago*

Heroes VI Shades of Darkness for 3 keys?

1 decade ago

Can you confirm that Shades is full stand-alone? I don't own Heroes VI, and I've read conflicting reports about whether the expansion will work as a stand-alone title or not.

1 decade ago

Yes its standalone, my friend have this version and he played without original Heroes 6 (but old campaing locked, required original)

1 decade ago

I'll gladly make this trade then. Not that it usually matters, but I have 2 TF2 keys and 1 Dota key.
Added you on Steam. If you're cool with the deal still accept my request, even if you aren't online at the same time as me afterwards, I can send a trade request.

1 decade ago

Trade complete, thanks a lot!

1 decade ago

you still have keys?

1 decade ago

I can always get more if need be, did you have an offer?

1 decade ago

i can offer steam store >.>"

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.