I have...

Ultimate General Gettysburg

I want...


Must pay first, Don't add me, leave an offer here and if I like it, go on ahead and add me.

8 years ago*

You do know that everyone who would trade with you is almost certainly aware of Humblebundle right.... You are overcharging so hard.... and the bundle isn't even done yet! You are expecting people to pay you 1K=$2.00 per game when you can buy the whole bundle x3 games for 1 dollar.

All you are doing is getting blacklisted by traders and attracting scammers and trolls to yourself.

You will become a Pariah in the trading community.

8 years ago

Not everyone has a method of paying for HB. Overcharging? I apologize if it may seem that way, but I'm basing the price on steam store. A few people are also charging keys for this, so why can't I? I'm still new to this whole game trading, I started about a week ago. I've already traded games that were currently in bundles, and had no problems, so I didn't think this wouldn't be a problem either. If it's really necessary I can always close this trade and open a new one once the bundle is over.

8 years ago*

Ok maybe I should have added this kind of info to that and blunted the impact of my words. I put all the negative but none of the positive , for that , sorry.

Ok. No one who trades really goes by the steam store prices at all. Especially once a game has been bundled.

You should get the plugin "Enhanced Steam" it gives you a bit of additional info on each store page about that game. Like sales , bundles its been , when and how much. So you can approximate value.

Tier 1's of bundles are usually 1 dollar so you basically divide that by the number of games on that tier and that is your value.

Some games have a bit more value based on popularity , availability , supply and demand of course. And if they have or haven't been in any bundles or sales.

Another site that tracks bundles and sales is Epicbundles. Its pretty good but even that doesn't account for mass giveaways , pricing glitches , regional pricing or anything like that.

Also those other people who are doing the same thing doesn't mean they are right. Either they know and are trying to scam ignorant/new traders or they don't and are new themselves.

8 years ago

Took your advice and removed keys as payment, only listing the game I want (Nuclear Throne was on humble monthly, so anyone with a leftover could trade, this is fair right?)

8 years ago

Well Nuclear Throne is worth in itself at the very minimum 2.00. The monthly is worth 12 bucks overall so divided by the 6 games. Now Nuclear Throne imo and looking at sellers , exceeds that minimum because of its insanely high popularity and demand. So imo worth 2K / 4.00

Remember your 3 games combined , even if I didn't have a payment method for HB , is only 1 dollar and I would pay 2 in trade for it. I hope you believe me when I am just trying to teach about the secondary trading market and not trying to beat you up over it.

8 years ago

Thanks for the additional info, I know you meant no harm as neither did I. I went ahead and downloaded the enhanced steam extension and hope I can do better research next time. This really helps, so thanks a lot. I'll just go ahead and add offers for the games (though it doesn't hurt to try getting the original game I wanted).

8 years ago

Heyyyyyyyy, how do I blacklist people? I've been seeing alot of overchargers lately but I didn't know there was a method to identify/avoid them

8 years ago

Click their name to go to their profile. The second square under their profile pic.

8 years ago

Gotcha. Thanks!

8 years ago

will you trade Chivalry: Medieval Warfare for cards?

8 years ago

No thanks.

8 years ago

i have cs:go for Ultimate General Gettysburg

8 years ago

I already have CS:GO, good offer, but not interested.

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.