It's all there in the title. I have Spec Ops: The Line (Tradable) and RADNET DLC for Prototype 2 which is also tradable.

I'd like 1 key for both (1:2) but, ya know.

or 8 Refined metal (TF2, obviously)

OR, tons of TF2 items. I mean, tons. Lol. Hats, weapons, etc. as long as it's tradable.

PLEASE don't add me without talking here first

thank you!

Please link your inventory if you're gonna say like, "all these TF2 items" or something like that. To simplify it.

1 decade ago*

Company of Heroes & Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts
Both Steam tradable
For Crysis 2 Steam key.

or all my cards

1 decade ago

I would rather not split it up, so, no thank you.

1 decade ago

I would rather not split it up, so, no thank you.

1 decade ago

1 key for both? Added

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.