Drop a post here in this thread or add me as friend as soon as possible. I know some people are dying to check out KoA: Reckoning!

Thank you.

1 decade ago*

maybe you dont know but darksiders 2 is far more valuable than KOA:R because KOA:R got discount multiple times. you should add games for darksiders 2. just a friendly reminder

1 decade ago

How much discount did KoA: Reckoning get that Darksiders II hasn't gotten? Darksiders II has gotten 25% off and higher from greenmangaming.com and other sites.

KoA: Reckoning is still a pretty pricey game but if this is what the general consensus is, .. I will just buy it for my little brother.

1 decade ago

Thanks for the offer but really looking for Darksiders II at this point.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.