I have a free extra key to the don't starve together beta, someone on here was nice enough to offer me a free key a week back so I'm doing the same. I'll only send it to you if your profile has a decent amount of hours in the original game and you just happened to forget to sign up for beta. Don't want it being re-sold. Its an amazing game, everyone should try it.

9 years ago*

I want to play it with my family and friends, and I would appreciate it. I broke the game once, I want to try it again.

9 years ago

i want it mate, please for free and i give you +rep for 2

9 years ago

You already have the beta, want to get someone in it that doesnt

9 years ago

sorry, i get 1 hours ago from my friend :D, he got from klei through email, and get 2 keys :),

9 years ago

I love that game, But I stopped, cause I get tired playing alone, I just knew about Don't Starve Together Today, and I'd love to have it.

9 years ago


9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.