I have...

TF2 key

I want...

Age of Empires II Definitive Edition

Hello, traders!

Looking for a very specific trade here, me and my mates are talking about playing Age of Empires II again, so I'm looking for multiple copies of the game (3, to be precise). I'm offering 5 TF2 keys per copy. The game must be Steam redeemable (no Windows store and such)

If you have the game and are interested in making a trade, please leave a comment. Counter offers are welcome.

Alternatively, if you're looking to recieve games in exchange, here is my list of games, those are available for trade too.

Take care out there!

Steam profile link (and rep in the comments)
Steamrep page
Steamtrades feedback
SGS Flair page

Cheers and have fun trading!

9 years ago*


This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

I'll add you to talk.

9 years ago

Interested in anything here for Shadow Warrior or Worms Clan Wars?

9 years ago

Sorry man, I'd only accept trading cards and TF2/CSGO/DOTA keys, and in some rare cases - giftable copies of games I'm after. I'm not really after bundle games, I more or less buy the ones I want.

Thanks for the offer, though!

9 years ago

Thx for the offer, but I dont really need bundle games. And I already have most of the ones I want.

9 years ago

Same as the last comment... Thx for the offer, but I dont really need bundle games. And I already have most of the ones I want.

9 years ago

Caster for 1 ref?

9 years ago

Ref price has dropped significantly lately. So 3 ref is my offer.

9 years ago

how much keys you give on dungeon defender?

9 years ago

I can offer what's under the "HAVE" section.

9 years ago

are u interested in any of these http://pastebin.com/KESa44fL ?

8 years ago

I can only offer the Worms games in exchange for those.

8 years ago*

which one would you like of mine then?

8 years ago

(Apologies, I edited my 1st reply to you, it was poorly phrased)

Well, depends on how many games would oyu like. But, the ones that interest me are Chaos Engine, Nihilumbra, Guns of Icarus, FootLOL and Stealth Bastard.

8 years ago

Worms Armageddon for Chaos engine?

8 years ago

Sure, that works for me. I gotta go to work now, but I'll add you when I get back.

8 years ago

How many cards for Worms Ultimate Mayhem: Deluxe Edition?

8 years ago

Haven't really thought about it... but let's say... 15.

8 years ago

Good for me. I'll add you.

8 years ago

Awesome, sounds like a trade is near!

8 years ago

Hello, I have Might and Magic Franchise pack (row, gift) interested?

8 years ago

It's a decent offer, but I'm looking for keys.

8 years ago

8 Csgo key uncommom for 4 copies? Add me if interested.

8 years ago

Sorry man, no can do, 3 per copy.

8 years ago

ok, no problem. It is that here in Brazil I can buy for 2 keys and still make a profit of 1$ per copy, but the game is not ROW. Thx anyway.

8 years ago

Yeah, I know it's cheaper in South America, but you know how it is since Valve put in the trade restrictions. Killed the cheap game market alltogether.

Thanks for the offer, though! Good luck with your trades!

8 years ago

newbie question pls: what better for us (buyers) to pay sou 6€ for gift if we can do it 5,5€ (i understand if its be after sale, but selling it now for more?)

8 years ago

If you're from a ROW region and have no market restrictions, then by all means you should do what you wrote. But not everybody has access to that.

8 years ago

I have what you want for this game (4 tf2 keys + 9 ref)

8 years ago

Thanks for the trade!

8 years ago

Interested in 2 CSGO keys + £3.50 skin ?

8 years ago

I could accept skins as well, but you'll need to overpay a bit. Unfortunately, your offer doesnt even equal to 4 keys.

8 years ago

Nah man, sorry. Thanks for the offer!

8 years ago

Would you trade CS:GO for Gift Terraria + 50% Feist Coupon?

8 years ago

Seriously... if you had a CS:GO gift, would you trade it for Terraria and a coupon?

8 years ago

CS:GO is 14€ . Terraira 10, Feist 14(50% = 7).. so yes i would

8 years ago

CS:GO is 11€. Terraria can be had for 1 TF2 key, which is about 2,20€ and it has been bundled. Coupons are practicaly worthless because people are literally giving them away because they're clogging up their inventory.

By that logic, I could get 3 copies of CSGO for Fallen Enchantres: Legendary Heroes.

Sorry man, things don't work that way. Steam store price isn't the only factor when valuing games.

8 years ago

Alright, lots of stuff i dont know :D Thx for replying

8 years ago

No problem. You'll get the hang of it soon enough. Good luck out there!

8 years ago

interested in lucius?

8 years ago

Oooh! The same one that was given away for free last week? Well, only if Lucius would wash my car. And bake me cookies.

8 years ago

Like you said last week. It's not free anymore. Anyway Lucius can wash your car, bake you cookies, steal your newspaper, take your dog on a walk, and make his own self a blo*job in same time. Even Chuck Norris can't do that!!!

8 years ago

I dunno, I've gotten some pretty quality service from Chuck. So I'm gonna have to pass. Thanks for the offer though!

8 years ago

Np. Btw my Lucius got an insurancy, so if brake a rib while he is doing himself a .... you know, you will get another copy of Lucius for free

8 years ago

I left you Feedback! PLEASE DONT FORGET MINE:


Thanks so much in advance!

8 years ago

Done! I'm on my mobile so things are a bit slower.

8 years ago

Hi, there! ^^

Anything here for The Talos Principle or 1 CS/GO or TF2 key?


Let me know <3

8 years ago

Sorry man, not really interested in those games and I will certainly not sell it for 1 key.

8 years ago

somethink here for The Talos Principle / Alien Isolation

8 years ago

Is Lost Planet 3 gift or key?

8 years ago

its a HB key

8 years ago

Sorry, I'm not really interested in game keys. Thanks for the offer, though!

8 years ago

can do that, added

5 years ago


This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

Closed 1 year ago.