I have...

Cross Dressing Aniki
美丽新世界i Brave New World i
筑盛计划_Victory Project

I want...

TF2 keys
CSGO keys

10 TF2 keys or 5 CSGO keys each one

4 years ago*

Hey, do you still have both of these games? If so, I'd be interested.

4 years ago

yes,add me

4 years ago

I'm interested in 美丽新世界i Brave New World i. May I ask how did you get it? In barter I don't see it being part of any bundle in the past nor in any other store in the history graph of isthereanydeal.

4 years ago

Retail stores in China

4 years ago

Sorry I rejected your friend request. I am interested but haven't decided yet.

  • How do you know the key will work? If the game was banned, maybe the keys no longer work because they were revoked/invalidated?
  • How many keys do you have?
  • Anything less that 10 tf2 keys? Or from your wishlist Dirt rally 2 + tf2 keys?
  • Who will go first in case I agree?


4 years ago

I have 3 left. I can send the key first, and if it words, send the TF key to me

4 years ago


This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago.