I'm offering the Steam codes for Captain Brawe and APOX, for... well, anything I don't have in my library.
Small, fun, puzzle games are my preference, but basically if there's something you want to get rid of, make me an offer.
No offer too small, but I am looking for game codes - NOT DLC, Steam items or vouchers. Thanks.

For those that don't know;
APOX is a real-time strategy game that uniquely includes gameplay concepts from first-person shooters. Like in a FPS, you can prone, crouch, switch active weapons, throw grenades, and loot corpses. Soldiers in APOX have limited ammo, but ammo sharing is done seamlessly. (http://store.steampowered.com/app/80000/)

Captain Brawe;
Step into the world of interstellar travel, where Space Pirates lurk at every corner. Kaptain Brawe, a Space Police officer will embark on a journey filled with quests, conspiracies and general chaos, as he follows the lead of two kidnapped alien scientists.

1 decade ago*

Serious Sam DOuble D Steam Key for APOX?

1 decade ago

Sounds good. Have added you on Steam.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.