Greetings SteamTrades,

We have a few different plans for SteamTrades to make things a bit easier for you guys. First, we had a few problems having the forum as the home page when it was first attempted, but it seems to be working fine now. I hope this helps out everyone as I know people were using the 30 seconds refresh "forum update" home page for a few months. I apologize for that inconvenience and hope this is a welcome change.

Another change that being worked on involves a proper feedback system for successful trades, sort of like how SteamGifts has feedback for successful giveaways. This could help the reputation for trades and other statistics involved in the process. SteamTrades is still a work in progress and we appreciate your patience for hanging tight while we try to keep up with this fast growing community. It blew up a lot faster than expected. One last change that we want to implement is a sort of "bump" system so that each comment doesn't bump a thread.

If you have any feedback, feel free to comment.

-best regards

1 decade ago*

I like and hate the idea of a feedback system. I think that it could possibly be boosted with alternate accounts, but we will see what happens (I forget if the requirement to make an account here is $50+ worth of games like steamgifts).

1 decade ago

The $50 valued account requirement is for both SteamGifts and SteamTrades.

1 decade ago

Excellent, it shouldn't be a terrible problem then. Just be weary of people abusing it though.

1 decade ago

PLEASE keep in mind people cracking Steam account has been VERY rapant and there is TONS of people with a lot of accounts. I'd just keep an eye out on duplicate IP's on accounts OR people using VPN's to connect.

1 decade ago

Firstly, please try to use a more SFW avatar? Secondly, you cannot generalize. I connect to SG and st at home, where my cousin also logs on from when he comes over. Rest assured, I know that the mods are monitoring the IP's for accounts logging on from the same IP and you have to report it to the mods if you have a legitimate reason for the same IP logins.

1 decade ago

Need add RSS-feed...

1 decade ago

we also need to have a suggestions thread maybe? everyone can share some of their experiences there and suggestions on how to improve. I think it would help CG alot.

1 decade ago

It would be awesome if you could add a more advanced text editor to ST, make it easier to post links and better text formatting.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.