Hi, just going to say please no tf2 items, no dota items, or Bundle keys.

And no game keys unless you are willing to go first, even though i have 0 rep (been on Steamgifts for 5 months now though)
I also have been on Steam for 7 years now.


-Dead Space 2

-LA Noire 2

-Bad rats

I am looking for specifically Dragon Age Ultimate Edition.
I will take offers for tradable games preferably.

Also I am mainly looking to make a trade as fair as possible, preferably 1:1

(LA Noire, DS2, and Dragon age have been on steam at 7.5€ on sale, and will probably repeat those prices during this sale.)

Thanks for the time.

Examples: Dead Space 2 for witcher 1+2, La noire for DA.

Will take offers.

PS: still formating the post, sorry.

1 decade ago*

Closed 6 years ago.