Steam id : -:RaRe_Guy:-

My Renegade Ops!!!!

-:RaRe_Guy:-: hey mate ^^

[KOR] Kamiyama: hi




-:RaRe_Guy:-: interested?

[KOR] Kamiyama: okay

[KOR] Kamiyama: what do you want?

-:RaRe_Guy:-: what you ahve now?

[KOR] Kamiyama: i have..

[KOR] Kamiyama: Saints Row 3 - Professor Genki Pre-Purchase Limited DLC Code($24)

Dead Space 1 Steam x2

Dead Space 2 Origin x3

Left 4 Dead 2

Renegade Ops

-:RaRe_Guy:-: me interested in renegade ops and l4d2 ;)

-:RaRe_Guy:-: so what do you want for them?

[KOR] Kamiyama: hm

[KOR] Kamiyama: MW 2 for l4d2 + renefade ops?

-:RaRe_Guy:-: Good offer ;)

[KOR] Kamiyama: okay

-:RaRe_Guy:-: Are your games treadable?

[KOR] Kamiyama: okay

-:RaRe_Guy:-: yes or not ;D?

[KOR] Kamiyama: yes

-:RaRe_Guy:-: my unfornetly not, so we trade and instantly after trade i will sned you gift to acount ok?

-:RaRe_Guy:- 친구가 거래 요청을 수락하였습니다.

-:RaRe_Guy:-: you can trust me

-:RaRe_Guy:-: i have lots of friends

-:RaRe_Guy:-: lots of comments

-:RaRe_Guy:-: ;)

[KOR] Kamiyama: ah...

[KOR] Kamiyama: mw 2 not tradeble?

-:RaRe_Guy:-: yep

[KOR] Kamiyama: oh..

[KOR] Kamiyama: hm

[KOR] Kamiyama: dead space 2 origin + renefade ops?

-:RaRe_Guy:-: ehhh okey ;)

[KOR] Kamiyama: okay?

-:RaRe_Guy:- 님이 거래 요청을 보냈지만 시간 내에 응답하지 않았습니다.

-:RaRe_Guy:-: yes

[KOR] Kamiyama: hmm

[KOR] Kamiyama: First, the origin key. First, let's deal with MW2.

And you'll Renegade Ops.

[KOR] Kamiyama: I'm two item.

-:RaRe_Guy:-: Sorry but MW2 is much value, the best will be renagde ops mw2 and key okay?

[KOR] Kamiyama: I'll never trust? Really?

-:RaRe_Guy:-: what?

-:RaRe_Guy:-: If u don't want to trade say it

-:RaRe_Guy:-: and we will bye and that's all

[KOR] Kamiyama: okay

[KOR] Kamiyama: I'll believe.

-:RaRe_Guy:-: ;]

[KOR] Kamiyama: If false, then I'll tell everyone.

-:RaRe_Guy:-: Od course, but everything will be okay

-:RaRe_Guy:-: i pormise

-:RaRe_Guy:- 친구가 거래 요청을 수락하였습니다.

[KOR] Kamiyama: your turn

-:RaRe_Guy:-: now me


1 decade ago*

sorry to hear buddy that sucks

1 decade ago

anyone got his steamtrades username ? He has been reported like 3 times...

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.