I have...

2 tf2 keys (close combat)
3 tf2 keys (Jast usa bundle Vn)

I want...

Close Combat: Gateway to Caen
Jast usa bundle Vn

easy trade, gift or bundle gift link

8 years ago*

those 3 tf2 keys for the jastusa bundle. which tier is that ?

8 years ago

they are only 1 tier (tier3) because all the bundles was selled as preorder (8$)

8 years ago

no they weren't .
when the bundle was actually released,there were like 500 bundles left for a tiered sale
2 games for 3$ + 3 games for 10$ and + 1 game for 20$

it's laughable that you are offering 5.7~$ for a bundle that you missed. and just said it was 8$ on pre-order
one sold for 25 eur a few minutes ago on steamtrades.

8 years ago

thank you for your toxic comment. it's laughable read the shit wrote without thinking
Like I say yet, the valor is 8$(their cost), (in your opinion 20$, wait no, now you sayd is 25$+)
I offer 7,75€ in keys, this is aprox: 8.56$

Well I know talk whit you willl be like talk to the hand but...
A lot of people buy the game because the rumor of the steins;gate, you know?

PD: I no miss the bundle ^^ atm I'm playing (slowly) my girlfriend is the president
Pd2: please stop, you are acting like a kid whit your threadhijack

8 years ago

i made solid arguments:
it was 8$ - for a limited period - fact
it was 20$ - for a limited period - fact
there are 3-4 bundles available on steamtrades - one sold for 27$~ - fact

also key > paypal trades aren't the same as scm. - fact. you have a lot of SR trades,i thought you'd know the market.

not really,i was on groupees chat and a decent amount of people already had steins gate. including me. it was 50:50% of the people on chat,and after the bundle was released,nobody was really disappointed.

anyways,i'm a kid and that was toxic ? i said "laughable offer". which was the truth. you know what's more toxic ? calling you pathetic and sad for lowballing for a bundle. anyways i didn't hijack anything. i genuinely asked what tier you wanted,because the offer didn't make any sense for the whole bundle...

8 years ago

hello i need 5 TF2 keys
would you want any of these??
even if we can do a trade for 1 TF2 key id really appreciate it :)

8 years ago

I have BO3 beta i'm selling it for 2 keys

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.