First of all, all the games are KEYS which you can activate on steam for free. There are no tradable gifts here. If you don't trust my offer it's ok I understand. I can offer very cheap games for paypal money.
Here is an example:

I can offer Skyrim Key for 25$. Negociable.

How it works:

Step 1. You will leave a comment below or add me on Steam.

Step 2. We'll talk about the offer.

Step 3. You will send the money ONLY through Paypal.

Step 4. I will give you the code.

Step 5. You will enjoy the game and have some money left to buy beer.

This is NOT A SCAM !!! . Check my SteamTrades Profile and Steam profile ( It's public! )

If I am not online please leave a comment below or add me as a friend on Steam and wait untill i will contact you.

NOT interested in tradable gifts or keys.

1 decade ago*

Skyrim was 10$ at some Finland site(can't remember name).So I don't save money for beer :(

1 decade ago

Maybe you'll not, if you want to go to Finland...

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.