He wanted to scam me too! I deleted and blocked him in a heart beat once I caught on.

1 decade ago

Ouch, he has me added as well. Wanted to Trade his Assassin's Creed III Deluxe for my Hitman Absolution. Sounded too good to be true, so i backed off. I asked him for his SteamTrades profile, he said he did not want to make one. What happened with you ?

1 decade ago

He also didn't want to give me his Steamtrades profile.

1 decade ago

He messaged me 15 minutes ago asking if i wanted to pass on AC III. In the beginning he had offered me the standard ACIII, but then when i said i need Deluxe only, within 10min he said he had that too, and for the same Hitman Absolution offer. He even sent me an email with the image of Proof of the key. But i guess the rules forbid us from posting emails etc.

1 decade ago

I can't tell if your account is even noobier than his since yours is private, but I really don't get how people really think that these crap game library accounts actually have AAA games that they want to sell to you for your crap. If alarms aren't going off, you need to install a new system.

1 decade ago

Thank you! Dem pesky scammers!

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.