I have...

30 cards

I want...

Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse

I'm new to trading for games so please say if this is a fair trade or not.

8 years ago

I could try and get it for you, would take me quite a few days though (about 15-16). Would you be okay with that?
And yes, 30 cards is quite reasonable.

8 years ago

I am already getting it before, the 15-16 days so thanks for the offer and for the insight on the trade.

8 years ago

I could still do for 30 instead of the 35 the other guy wants from you. Come to me if you wanna get it cheaper....

8 years ago

Someone besides you offered 30

8 years ago

the guy below me said "i can do for 35 cards"
mh well, if you still don't wanna... i could go with 27

8 years ago

I'm fine, thanks for the offer though.
I would take it if you had it by today or tomorrow

8 years ago

ok, i'm quite sure i could get it that fast if i hurry a bit, add me if you'd be ok with that :D

8 years ago

I just got it for 26 cards. I'm really glad that you put thought into it and cared but I already got the game. I'm sorry I took so long to respond, I just finished building my first PC!!!

8 years ago

I can do the trade, adding you!

8 years ago

i can do for 35 cards

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.